As a parent or caregiver, you’ve probably heard about the importance of tummy time for your little one. But what exactly is it, and why does it matter?
Tummy time refers to the intentional practice of placing your baby on their tummy while they are awake and supervised. It’s a simple yet powerful way to promote your baby’s development.
Tummy time is critical to help your baby build strength, prevent flat spots and develop motor skills:
Strengthening: When your baby lies on their tummy, they engage their neck, shoulder, arm and back muscles. This helps strengthen their core and prepares them for future milestones like sitting and crawling.
Preventing flat spots: Babies also spend a lot of time lying on their backs (which is essential for safe sleep). However, this can sometimes lead to flat spots on the back of their heads. Tummy time allows them to experience a different position and reduces the risk of flat head syndrome.
Motor skills: Tummy time encourages early movement skills, such as lifting the head, reaching and rolling. It’s like a mini workout for your baby!

Some tips for successful tummy time include
choosing a comfortable, small area or playmat
using a mirror to encourage looking up
being patient (they may be fussy at first!)
engaging with your baby by singing, talking and making eye contact
slowly guiding them to roll out of the position when they are ready to come out of the position.

Try to make this part of your daily routine - think about a time of day when you are already reading, your kiddo is playing on the floor, or you’re both on the floor together doing a game or activity. Start with a few minutes at a time and increase the time gradually. It’s sometimes tiring, but will get easier the more you and your kiddos work on it!
Jess D'Agostino-DPT