As a physical therapist, I’ve encountered many parents concerned about their child’s toe walking—the act of walking on the balls of the feet with no contact between the heels and the ground. It’s a common behavior, especially during early childhood, but when does it become a cause for concern?
Children under the age of 2 often exhibit toe walking as they learn to walk. It’s a normal part of early development. If toe walking persists beyond the toddler stage, it warrants attention and evaluation.

Some common causes of toe walking include;
tight calf muscles
sensory processing limitations
underlying neurological conditions.

Toe walking places children at an increased risk of falling due to an unstable gait.
If you’re concerned about your child’s toe walking, seek professional advice. Your child's pediatrician may recommend physical therapy and address underlying conditions if identified.
Jess D'Agostino- DPT