Stephen is a hardworking, personable, & kind father.
Courtni & Stephen own Circle Creek Therapy, and they have their son, (Noah), attend Occupational, Speech, & Physical Therapy because Noah has some developmental delays due to a seizure disorder.

Read along to learn more about Stephen & Noah!
What is your favorite thing about Noah?
“My favorite thing is his personality. Even though he’s not talking, he’s very expressive, and he has a lot of character.”
2. How has Noah’s progress been?
“Noah works on a lot of different things, and he has made slow and steady progress. In Occupational Therapy, he has made huge progress on spending time on his tummy. He used to hate it when he tried to work on tummy time, but now he is doing so much better. His arm strength has also made huge progress too. Our therapists have such creative ideas, like having him watch his iPad on his tummy. He has also continued to work on signing (Sign Language) and saying more words.”
3. How would you describe Noah in 3 words?
“Friendly, busy, & loving.”

4. What are the pros & cons for owning your own clinic, and then also have your son attend therapy sessions?
"I feel like the con and pro are the same: that he has so much support. Noah has everything that he needs, and he often doesn’t need to talk because there is always someone around to get him what he needs. But it's also such a blessing having so much support because he can always get the help that he needs, both in therapy and at home.”
5. From your perspective, what makes CCT different from any other clinic?
“Circle Creek Therapy is a small, multi-disciplinary clinic. Because of that, we can take a more personalized approach, and we can create a more supportive environment for parents.”
6. What is some advice that you would give other parents?
“You must be your child’s best advocate. Paying a lot of attention made us seem like helicopter parents, but we were able to get the help that Noah needs. We had to push some of his doctors because they didn’t think he needed speech therapy as soon as we did. But we kept track of the milestones, and we knew that Noah wasn't meeting certain ones. The doctor can only see him for an hour, but we spend most of our time with him, so we knew that he needed some more help.”
“Celebrate the little victories. It can be frustrating, and the progress can be slow. But just try to stay positive.”

If you notice that your child might need some extra help too, don't hesitate to call us at 253.237.3405. We can set up a free discovery visit for you!